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Feline Behavior and Welfare
상품명 : Feline Behavior and Welfare
제조회사 : Academic Press
원산지 : USA
적립금액 : 7,620원
소비자가 : 254,000
판매가격 : 254,000원
수량 EA
배송조건 : (조건)

Feline Behavior and Welfare

Editor: Valarie V. Tynes

ISBN: 9780323998680

Imprint: Academic Press

Language: English

December, 2024


Pages: 294


Feline Behavior and Welfare provides current and updated information for the veterinary practitioner regarding normal feline behavior and problem behavior. It includes solid background on feline ethology as well as practical information on preventing, diagnosing, managing and treating the most common feline behavior problems. Written by noted experts in the field of behavior and welfare, the book covers normal behaviors, prevention of feline behavior problems, and treatment of feline behavior problems. It presents cats as unique reflections of their nearest ancestor and explains how the nature of feline behavior poses problems when we confine cats to our homes.

Preventive strategies are presented in clear and practical terms, with problem behaviors covered in an easy to reference style so that clinicians can readily locate answers to some of clients most frequently asked questions. This book will be a valuable resource for anyone working with cats.


Animal behaviorists and veterinary workers focusing on felines, Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in veterinary behavior and veterinary medicine studies

Key features

  • Analyzes the domestication of the cat, its social structure, and what makes it unique from a behavioral perspective

  • Discusses important trends and issues that can arise in reproductive, maternal, ingestive and elimination behaviors

  • Offers concise, easy-to-review chapters for optimal reader referencing

Table of contents

Introduction - The cat its history, domestication, evolution, changing role in society, etc

Section 1: Normal Feline Behavior

1. Senses and Communication

2. Ontogeny and Development of Behavior

3. Social Behavior

4. Reproductive Behavior

5. Feeding and Drinking Behavior

6. Elimination Behavior

7. Grooming Behavior

Section 2: Prevention of Feline Behavior Problems

8. Preadoption/Prepurchase Counseling

9. Meeting the Cat's Environmental Needs

10. Behavior Problems of the Kitten

11. Reducing Fear, Anxiety and Stress in the Veterinary Clinic

12. Understanding the Role of Stress and Physical Illness in Behavioral Health

13. How Cats Learn

Section 3: Problem Feline Behavior

14. ConflictSocial Conflict Between Cats

15. Human Directed Aggression

16. House soiling

17. Destructive Behavior

18. Over-grooming Behavior

19. Pica and Other Ingestive Behavior Problems

20. Problems with Excessive Vocalization

21. Behavior Problems of the Aging Cat

Appendix A Frequently Used Medications for Feline Problem Behaviors

Appendix B – Client Handouts

Appendix C Questionnaires and Screening Forms

About the editor

Valarie V. Tynes

Valarie Tynes is a Veterinary Services Specialist at Ceva Animal Health. She received her PhD in Veterinary Medicine from Texas A&M University. Dr. Tynes has been board-certified by the American College of Animal Welfare and the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists since 2003, on both of which she has held prestigious positions such as President, Certification Committee Chair, and Secretary/Treasury. Dr. Tynes is a frequent speaker at professional meetings around the world. She has authored numerous articles and chapters on a variety of behavior-related topics, and she is the editor of Behavior of Exotic Pets. Dr. Tynes is also the author of Miniature Pig Pet Care, part of A Quick Reference Guide to Unique Pet Species, on the Veterinary Information Network. She also owns Premier Veterinary Behavior Consulting, based in Sweetwater, Texas.

상호명 : OKVET 사업자등록번호 : 314-90-93001 [사업자정보확인] 통신판매업신고번호 : 2006-대전유성-0075
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