The dog-friendly practice
Consultation technique
Preventive healthcare: a life-stage approach
Reproductive management
Considerations for surgical cases
Dealing with emergency cases in practice
Acute collapse
The trauma patient: assessment, emergency management and wound care
Seizures, ataxia and other neurological presentations
Behaviour problems: a brief guide
Regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhoea
Abnormalities of eating and drinking
Paralysis and spinal pain
Lethargy and weakness in endocrine disease
Pyrexia and hyperthermia
Epistaxis, sneezing and nasal disharge
Oral and dental problems
Ocular problems
Ear problems and head tilt
Abnormalities of the throat and neck
Cardiorespiratory problems
Abdominal pain and swelling
Urination problems; genital discharge
General approach to the dog with skin problems
Lumps and bumps
Conditions of the paw
Conditions of the anus, perineum and tail
Tim Hutchinson BVSc CertSAS MRCVS
Larkmead Veterinary Group, Oxfordshire, UK
Ken Robinson BVMS CertSAD MRCVS
Rose Cottage Veterinary Centre, Cheshire, UK