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영상진단의학 > Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4e: 종이책+E-Book(텍스트와 동영상 등)

Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4e: 종이책+E-Book(텍스트와 동영상 등)
상품명 : Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4e: 종이책+E-Book(텍스트와 동영상 등)
제조회사 : Saunders
원산지 : USA
적립금액 : 7,800원
소비자가 : 260,000
판매가격 : 260,000원
수량 EA
배송조건 : (조건)

Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4e: 종이책 + E-Book   


이번 개정판은 Digital Version으로 텍스트와 동영상 등 각종 추가적인 컨텐츠를 제공합니다.
특히 동영상 제공은 이전 책에서는 볼 수 없었던 가장 매력적인 부분으로 임상 수의사에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다.

ISBN Number       9780323533379

Main Author         By John S. Mattoon, DVM, DACVR, Rance K. Sellon, DVM, PhD and Clifford Rudd Berry, DVM

Edition Number    4

Trim                   276 x 216 (8 1/2 x 10 7/8)

Illustrations         Approx. 800 illustrations (800 in full color)

Imprint                Saunders

Page Count         752

Publication Date   26 Oct 2020


Every clinician that has an interest in veterinary diagnostic imaging should have this reference! Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4th Edition provides in-depth coverage of the latest techniques, applications, and developments in veterinary ultrasonography. It shows how ultrasonography can be an indispensable part of your diagnostic workup for everything from cardiac and hepatic disease to detached retinas and intestinal masses. All-new content on internal medicine is integrated throughout the text, addressing disease processes and pathologies, their evaluation, and treatment. Written by expert educators John S. Mattoon, Rance K. Sellon, and Clifford R. Berry, this reference includes access to an Expert Consult website with more than 100 video clips and a fully searchable version of the entire text.

Key Features

  • Logical organization makes reference quick and easy, with chapters organized by body system and arranged in a head-to-tail order.
  • Coverage of Doppler imaging principles and applications includes non-cardiac organs and abdominal vasculature.
  • Photographs of gross anatomic and pathological specimens accompany ultrasound images, showing the tissues under study and facilitating a complete interpretation of ultrasound images.
  • More than 100 video clips demonstrate normal and abnormal conditions as they appear in ultrasound scans, including conditions ranging from esophageal abscess to splenic hyperplasia.
  • More than 2,000 full-color images include the most current ultrasound technology.

New to this edition

  • NEW! Updated content on diagnostic ultrasound ensures that you are informed about the latest developments and prepared to meet the challenges of the clinical environment.
  • NEW! Coverage of internal medicine includes basic knowledge about a disease process, the value of various blood tests in evaluating the disease, as well as treatment strategies.
  • NEW editors Rance K. Sellon and Clifford R. Berry bring a fresh focus and perspective to this classic text.
  • NEW! Expert Consult website includes a fully searchable eBook version of the text along with video clips demonstrating normal and abnormal conditions as they appear in ultrasound scans.
  • NEW! New and updated figures throughout the book demonstrate current, high-quality images from state-of-the-art equipment.
  • NEW contributing authors add new chapters, ensuring that this book contains current, authoritative information on the latest ultrasound techniques.


Author Information              

By John S. Mattoon, DVM, DACVR, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; Rance K. Sellon, DVM, PhD, Associate Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences Washington State University Pullman, WA and Clifford Rudd Berry, DVM, Courtesy Professor SACS University of Florida Gainesville FL Academic Coordinator Vet-CT Apex NC
상호명 : OKVET 사업자등록번호 : 314-90-93001 [사업자정보확인] 통신판매업신고번호 : 2006-대전유성-0075
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