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Comprehensive Pharmacology - ½Å°£POD»óÇ°
»óÇ°¸í : Comprehensive Pharmacology - ½Å°£POD»óÇ°
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç : Elsevier
¿ø»êÁö : USA
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Comprehensive Pharmacology - ½Å°£POD»óÇ°

½Å°£POD(Printed On Demand/ÁÖ¹®Çü¼­Àû) »óÇ° ¾È³»

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pages: 5440
Published: June 8, 2022
Imprint: Elsevier
Hardcover ISBN: 9780128204726


Comprehensive Pharmacology, Seven Volume Set is organized into twelve sections that explore therapeutic areas, with a total of 320 comprehensive articles and 6,800 pages of important findings. Sections contain highly detailed coverage of information that has been overseen by an editorial board made up of well-respected, field leading experts. The content in this book offers readers an in-depth and easily accessible reference work on every aspect of pharmacological research surrounding the pharmacology of all therapeutic applications of drugs, their mechanism of action and their therapeutic values. These elements are essential as drugs are almost never tested and developed in the actual therapeutic system, but rather in test systems from which parameters must be determined to predict activity in systems of varying ambient physiology. As different technologies rapidly evolve, there is an ever-increasing level of knowledge about the pharmacology of known drugs, along with increasing capability to utilize pharmacological systems to predict new drug activity, all of which must be communicated to professionals in varying fields.

Key Features

  • Contains chapters that follow a consistent and templated approach, resulting in well-structured content that enhances user experience and appeal
  • Offers a comprehensive review on a wealth of information on pharmacology and how it utilizes concepts and techniques from a broad array of sciences, ranging from chemistry to physiology to medicine
  • Includes a wider use of color and multimedia content, with interactive features, links, computational modeling and animations to illustrate the effects of toxic substances in various contexts


The academic pharmacological research community, pharmacology departments in medical schools and medical centres, as well as the industrial pharmacological research community. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies, environmental consulting firms, environmental law firms, food science research labs, occupational health institutes, hospitals, as well as regulatory agencies worldwide and trade organizations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), American Chemical Council and the American Chemical Society

Table of Contents

Section 1. Pharmacodynamics
Section 2. Pharmacokinetics
Section 3. Pharmacogenomics/Informatics
Section 4. Drug Discovery
Section 5. Cardiovascular
Section 6. Gastrointestinal / Hepatic
Section 7. CNS Pharmacology
Section 8. Endocrinology
Section 9. Sensory
Section 10. Immunopharmacology/ Mucoskeletal
Section 11. Cancer
Section 12. Infectious Diseases

About the Editors

Terry Kenakin

Dr. Terry Kenakin is Professor of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Prior to this, he spent 7 years in drug discovery at Burroughs-Wellcome. He then moved to GlaxoSmithKline for 25 years. Dr. Kenakin has written 11 books on Pharmacology, is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, is on numerous Editorial Boards. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Comprehensive Pharmacology (Elsevier, 2022). He is the recipient of the 2008 Poulsson Medal for Pharmacology awarded by the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology for achievements in basic and clinical pharmacology and toxicology. He has also been awarded the 2011 Ariens Award from the Dutch Pharmacological Society and the 2014 Gaddum Memorial Award from the British Pharmacological Society, and the 2020 Goodman and Gilman Award in Receptor Pharmacology from ASPET.
Affiliations and Expertise
Professor, Pharmacology, University of North Carolina, USA

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