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¿µ»óÁø´ÜÀÇÇÐ > ¼öÀÇ Áø´Ü ¹æ»ç¼±°úÇÐ, 6ÆÇ - Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 6e - ¼ÒÇÁƮĿ¹ö(ÇÑÁ¤ Àç¹ßÇà)3

¼öÀÇ Áø´Ü ¹æ»ç¼±°úÇÐ, 6ÆÇ - Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 6e - ¼ÒÇÁƮĿ¹ö(ÇÑÁ¤ Àç¹ßÇà)3
»óÇ°¸í : ¼öÀÇ Áø´Ü ¹æ»ç¼±°úÇÐ, 6ÆÇ - Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 6e - ¼ÒÇÁƮĿ¹ö(ÇÑÁ¤ Àç¹ßÇà)3
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç : OKVET
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¼öÀÇ Áø´Ü ¹æ»ç¼±°úÇÐ, 6ÆÇ - Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 6e

¿ª ÀÚ: Çѱ¹¼öÀÇ¿µ»óÀÇÇб³¼öÇùÀÇȸ
Àú ÀÚ: Donald E. Thrall
ÆäÀÌÁö: 892P
Ãâ°£ÀÏ: 2014³â
ISBN  : 9788993439502


Á¦1Àý_ ¿µ»óÀÇÇÐÀÇ ¹°¸®ÇÐ ¹× Æǵ¶ÀÇ ¿ø¸®
Physics and Principles of Interpretation
Á¦1Àå ¹æ»ç¼± ¹æÈ£¿Í Áø´Ü ¹æ»ç¼± ¹°¸®ÇÐ 2
Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
Á¦2Àå µðÁöÅÐ ¹æ»ç¼± ¿µ»ó 23
Digital Radiographic Imaging
Á¦3Àå ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ¿µ»óÀÇ ¹°¸®ÇÐ 39
Physics of Ultrasound Imaging
Á¦4Àå ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ ´ÜÃþÃÔ¿µ(CT) ¹× ÀÚ±â°ø¸í ¿µ»ó(MRI)ÀÇ ¿ø¸® 52
Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Á¦5Àå ¹æ»ç¼± »çÁø Æǵ¶ ¼­·Ð 77
Introduction to Radiographic Interpretation

Á¦2Àý_ ¸öÅë°ñ°Ý : °³, °í¾çÀÌ, ¸»
The Axial Skelton: Canine, Feline, and Equine
Á¦6Àå ¸öÅë°ñ°ÝÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼± ÇغÎÇÐ 92
Radiographic Anatomy of the Axial Skeleton
Á¦7Àå ¸öÅë°ñ°ÝÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼±»çÁø Æǵ¶ ¿ø¸® 105
Principles of Radiographic Interpretation of the Axial Skeleton
Á¦8Àå µÎ°³°­°ú ºñ°­: °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌ 118
The Cranial and Nasal Cavities: Canine and Feline
Á¦9Àå ¼Òµ¿¹° ³úÁúȯÀÇ ÀÚ±â°ø¸í¿µ»ó 140
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of Brain Disease in Small Animals
Á¦10Àå ¸»ÀÇ ¸Ó¸® 157
The Equine Head
Á¦11Àå °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌÀÇ Ã´Ãß 178
The Canine and Feline Vertebrae
Á¦12Àå °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌ Ã´¼ö ÁúȯÀÇ ÀÚ±â°ø¸í ¹× ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ´ÜÃþ ¿µ»ó 200
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography Features of Canine
and Feline Spinal Cord Disease

Á¦3Àý_ »çÁö°ñ°Ý : °³, °í¾çÀÌ, ¸»
The Appendicular Skelton: Canine, Feline, and Equine
Á¦13Àå »çÁö°ñ°Ý°èÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼± ÇغÎÇÐ 232
Radiographic Anatomy of the Appendicular Skeleton
Á¦14Àå »çÁö°ñ°Ý°è ¿µ»óÆǵ¶ÀÇ ¿ø¸® 260
Principles of Radiographic Interpretation of the Appendicular Skeleton
Á¦15Àå ¾î¸®°Å³ª ¼ºÀå ÁßÀÎ °³, °í¾çÀÌÀÇ Á¤Çü¿Ü°ú Áúȯ 276
Orthopedic Diseases of Young and Growing Dogs and Cats
Á¦16Àå °ñÀýÄ¡À¯ ¹× ÇÕº´Áõ 294
Fracture Healing and Complications
Á¦17Àå »À Á¾¾ç ¹× »À °¨¿°ÁõÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼±ÇÐÀû ¼Ò°ß 319
Radiographic Features of Bone Tumors and Bone Infection
Á¦18Àå °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌ °üÀýÁúȯÀÇ ¹æ»ç¼±ÇÐÀû ¼Ò°ß 331
Radiographic Signs of Joint Disease in Dogs and Cats
Á¦19Àå ¸»ÀÇ ¹«¸­°ú µÞ¹ß¸ñ 363
The Equine Stifle and Tarsus
Á¦20Àå ¸»ÀÇ ¾Õ¹ß¸ñ 389
The Equine Carpus
Á¦21Àå ¸» ¾Õ¹ßÇ㸮»À(Áß¼ö°ñ) ¹× µÞ¹ßÇ㸮»À(ÁßÁ·°ñ) ºÎºÐ 410
The Equine Metacarpal and Metatarsal Regions
Á¦22Àå ¸» ¾Õ¹ßÇ㸮¹ß°¡¶ô(Áß¼öÁö)°ú µÞ¹ßÇ㸮¹ß°¡¶ô(ÁßÁ·Áö)ÀÇ °üÀý 432
The Equine Metacarpophalangeal and Metatarsophalangeal Articulation
Á¦23Àå ¸» ¹ß°¡¶ô»À 447
The Equine Phalanges
Á¦24Àå ¸» ÁÖ»ó»À 476
The Equine Navicular Bone

Á¦4Àý_ Èä°­ : °³, °í¾çÀÌ, ¸»
The Thoracic Cavity: canine, feline, and equine
Á¦25Àå ÈäºÎ ¹æ»ç¼± Æǵ¶ÀÇ ¿øÄ¢ 494
Principles of Radiographic Interpretation of the Thorax
Á¦26Àå ÀεÎ, ÈĵÎ, ±â°ü 509
The Pharynx, Larynx, and Trachea
Á¦27Àå °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌÀÇ ½Äµµ 521
The Canine and Feline Esophagus
Á¦28Àå È亮 543
The Thoracic Wall
Á¦29Àå Ⱦ°Ý¸· 556
The Diaphragm
Á¦30Àå Á¾°Ýµ¿ 571
The Mediastinum
Á¦31Àå È丷°ø°£ 592
The pleural space
Á¦32Àå ½ÉÀå°ú ´ëÇüÇ÷°ü 606
The Heart and Pulmonary Vessels
Á¦33Àå °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌ Æó 629
The Canine and Feline Lung
Á¦34Àå ¸» ÈäºÎ 654
The Eqine Thorax

Á¦5Àý_ º¹°­: °³¿Í °í¾çÀÌ
The Abdominal Cavity: Canine and Feline
Á¦35Àå º¹ºÎ ¿µ»óÆǵ¶ÀÇ ¿ø¸® 674
Principles of Radiographic Interpretation of the Abdomen
Á¦36Àå º¹¸·°ø°£ 683
The Peritoneal Space
Á¦37Àå °£°ú ºñÀå 704
The Liver and Spleen
Á¦38Àå ½ÅÀå°ú ¿ä°ü 731
The Kidneys and Ureters
Á¦39Àå ¹æ±¤ 753
The Urinary Bladder
Á¦40Àå ¿äµµ 772
The Urethra
Á¦41Àå Àü¸³¼± 778
The Prostate Gland
Á¦42Àå ÀÚ±Ã, ³­¼Ò ¹× °íȯ 787
The Uterus, Ovaries, and Testes
Á¦43Àå À§ 800
The Stomach
Á¦44Àå ¼ÒÀå 821
The Small Bowel
Á¦45Àå ´ëÀå 845
The Large Bowel

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